UPDATE: Cheat does not work with the >1.10 version of the game.
The following codes are useful to manipulate your game:
To trigger an event, open the console, type "event " and then follow it up with the respective event code.Event For additional commands not specific to Millennium Dawn, check out the Hearts of Iron 4 Official Wiki's Console commands page.
Event code | Effect |
cheat.1 | Disband all factions |
cheat.2 | Disband NATO |
cheat.3 | Disband CSTO |
cheat.4 | Disband PSF (2016 start only) |
cheat.5 | Create the factions of WW1 |
cheat.6 | Create the factions of WW2 |
cheat.8 | Every country gets a random ideology |
cheat.9 | Create the Holy Roman Alliance at war with the Commonwealth Alliance |
cheat.10 | Pick your population growth |
political.1 to political.12 | Ideology coup (order of ideologies: fascist[1], nationalist[2], communist[3], islamist[4], reactionary[5], conservative[6], libertarian[7], social liberal[8], social democratic[9], progressive[10], democratic socialist[11], monarchist[12]) |
political.13 to political.24 | Political rallies (order of ideologies: islamist[13], fascist[14], nationalist[15], monarchist[16], reactionary[17], conservative[18], libertarian[19], social liberal[20], social democrat[21], progressive[22], socialist[23], communist[24]) |
political.25 to political.48 | Increase/decrease ideology influence (order of ideologies: islamist[+25,-26], fascist[+27,-28], nationalist[+29,-30], monarchist[+31,-32], reactionary[+33,-34], conservative[+35,-36], libertarian[+37,-38], social liberal[+39,-40], social democrat[+41,-42], progressive[+43,-44], socialist[+45,-46], communist[+47,-48]). |
This part is about the new update, if you want the selection:
- You can enable cheat decisions by going into console commands and doing the command "event cheat.1" (as seen above)
- Once you have done that you look into your decisions and find new options available.
- Note: They are similar to the to the pre-combining (the versions before the huge update)
- Decisions available:
- Toggle Faction Cheats (Yes you can disable NATO)
- Toggle Parties Cheats (There is a huge selection)
- Toggle Money Cheats (You can give your country money obviously)
- Toggle Manpower Cheats (Gives your country manpower)
- All of those have a selection. (Above)