Millennium Dawn Wiki

UPDATE: Cheat does not work with the >1.10 version of the game.

The following codes are useful to manipulate your game:


To trigger an event, open the console, type "event " and then follow it up with the respective event code.Event For additional commands not specific to Millennium Dawn, check out the Hearts of Iron 4 Official Wiki's Console commands page.

Event code Effect
cheat.1 Disband all factions
cheat.2 Disband NATO
cheat.3 Disband CSTO
cheat.4 Disband PSF (2016 start only)
cheat.5 Create the factions of WW1
cheat.6 Create the factions of WW2
cheat.8 Every country gets a random ideology
cheat.9 Create the Holy Roman Alliance at war with the Commonwealth Alliance
cheat.10 Pick your population growth
political.1 to political.12 Ideology coup (order of ideologies: fascist[1], nationalist[2], communist[3], islamist[4], reactionary[5], conservative[6], libertarian[7], social liberal[8], social democratic[9], progressive[10], democratic socialist[11], monarchist[12])
political.13 to political.24 Political rallies (order of ideologies: islamist[13], fascist[14], nationalist[15], monarchist[16], reactionary[17], conservative[18], libertarian[19], social liberal[20], social democrat[21], progressive[22], socialist[23], communist[24])
political.25 to political.48 Increase/decrease ideology influence (order of ideologies: islamist[+25,-26], fascist[+27,-28], nationalist[+29,-30], monarchist[+31,-32], reactionary[+33,-34], conservative[+35,-36], libertarian[+37,-38], social liberal[+39,-40], social democrat[+41,-42], progressive[+43,-44], socialist[+45,-46], communist[+47,-48]).

This part is about the new update, if you want the selection:

  • You can enable cheat decisions by going into console commands and doing the command "event cheat.1" (as seen above)
  • Once you have done that you look into your decisions and find new options available.
  • Note: They are similar to the to the pre-combining (the versions before the huge update)
  • Decisions available:
  • Toggle Faction Cheats (Yes you can disable NATO)
  • Toggle Parties Cheats (There is a huge selection)
  • Toggle Money Cheats (You can give your country money obviously)
  • Toggle Manpower Cheats (Gives your country manpower)
  • All of those have a selection. (Above)