Millennium Dawn Wiki

Millennium Dawn: Modern Day Mod overhauls the ideology system, replacing ideologies with alignments and sub-ideologies with parties that compete for votes in an election. Alignments determine who the ideology is aligned towards, for example:

  • Western Outlook means that the party aligns with the western countries (USA, UK, France, etc.)
  • Emerging means that the party aligns with the Eastern countries (Russia, China, etc.)
  • Salafist means the party aligns with reactionary Islamic countries and groups (Saudi Arabia, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, etc.)
  • Non-Aligned means the party aligns with no one, so they do not lean one way or the other.
  • Nationalist means the party aligns with themselves, i.e., they put their own country above all ( Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy etc)

Under each of these alignments are a bunch of parties that compete for votes, similar to a normal democracy. In certain countries, the player can take a decision for 200 Political Power to disable or enable elections in the country. Disabling elections will lock the party into whatever it is at the moment, however, ruling party popularity benefits and penalties still apply.

Ruling party popularity is a positive or negative stability modifier resulting from the change in the popularity of the party in power since the last election. This is the party in power, not the outlook in power.

(TODO: Find the effect of popularity change on stability)

New Ideology System[]

This is the new system introduced in the 1.6 Update for Millennium Dawn. Note that the names of the parties will vary from country to country, but their general ideology is the same.

Outlook ID Parties (ID in Brackets)
Western Outlook democratic
  • Conservatives (conservatism)
  • Liberals (liberalism)
  • Social Democrats (socialism)
  • Pro-Western Autocrats (Western_Autocracy)
Emerging communism
  • Communists (Communist-State)
  • Reactionaries (Conservative)
  • Autocrats (Autocracy)
  • Hardline Shiites (Vilayat_e_Faqih)
  • Moderate Shiites (Mod_Vilayat_e_Faqih)
  • Left-Wing Radicals (anarchist_communism)
Salafist fascism
  • Pro-Establishment Salafism (Kingdom)
  • Salafi Jihadism (Caliphate)
Non-Aligned neutrality
  • Conservatives (Neutral_conservatism)
  • Oligarchs (oligarchism)
  • Social Democrats (neutral_Social)
  • Libertarianism (Neutral_Libertarian)
  • Non-Aligned Autocrats (Neutral_Autocracy)
  • Communists (Neutral_Communism)
  • Moderate Islamists (Neutral_Muslim_Brotherhood)
  • Green (Neutral_green)
Nationalist nationalist
  • Military Juntas (Nat_Autocracy)
  • Fascists (Nat_Fascism)
  • Right-Wing Populists (Nat_Populism)
  • Monarchists (Monarchist)

Old Ideology System[]

This system is outdated but is left here for legacy purposes.

Ideology ID Sub-ideologies (replace spaces with '_' for ID)
Communist Communist
  • Marxist
  • Leninist
  • Stalinist
  • Maoist
  • Juche
  • Corbynist
Conservative Conservative
  • Constitutionalist
  • Christian Democrat
  • Fiscal Conservative
  • Gaullist
  • Right Wing Conservative
Democratic Socialist Democratic_Socialist
  • Democratic Socialist Ideology
Fascist Fascist
  • Black Supremacist
  • Fascist Ideology
  • Falangist
  • National Socialist
  • Rexist
Islamist Islamist
  • Islamic Authoritarian
  • Islamic Republican
Market Liberal Market_Liberal
  • Libertarian
Monarchist Monarchist
  • Absolute Monarchist
  • Papal
Nationalist Nationalist
  • Autocrat
  • National Democrat
  • Proto Fascist
Progressive Progressive
  • Green
  • Progressive Ideology
Reactionary Reactionary
  • Counter Progressive Democrat
  • Oligarchist
Social Democrat Social_Democrat
  • Utopian Socialist
  • Chartist
  • Gradualist
  • Reformist Socialist
  • Evolutionary Socialist
Social Liberal Social_Liberal
  • Centrist
  • Liberalist
  • Moderate

External links[]
